Sunday, June 29, 2014

My Spring Break Adventure Part 4

After spending two days in Biarritz, we packed up yet again and continued our journey through France. We drove from Biarritz to Bordeaux and had lunch there and then from Bordeaux, we rode a bullet train to Tours which is in the Lorie Valley.


 I don't remember why I took a picture of this building but it was incredibly long and cool.
Below is the top of a tall statue in the area where we stopped in Bordeaux. It was built for the Girondins who were the less radical of the political parties during the French Revolution. Their headquarters were in Bordeaux.
 This is the bullet train we rode. It was absolutely crazy getting thirty three people and all of our luggage off in just a few minutes. We had quite the system and managed it all with just about thirty second to spare. 


We were pretty much in Tours to just get dinner and sleep before moving onto Paris. Essentially, it was a pit stop. All we did here was walk to dinner and back. We did detour a little bit and saw the old part of the city which was cool but it was dark and I knew that my pictures wouldn't turn out very well and it wasn't very memorable for me so no pictures from this part of the trip.

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